Retrospective analysis of Hormonal Maintenance Therapy for Patients With LGS Ovarian Cancer

Trial ID # Retrospective Study: Hormonal Maintenance in LGSC
Phase II
Drug Class Hormonal Therapy: Aromatase, Hormonal Therapy: Aromatase
Drug Name Anastrozole, Letrozole
Alternate Drug Names Arimidex, Femara
Drugs in Trial Anastrozole, Letrozole, Tamoxifen
Eligible Participant

Stage II-IV low grade serous ovarian cancer after surgery and first-line therapy

Patients Enrolled


Therapy Setting


Study Design

Open-Label, Non-randomized


PFS, OS, evaluated per RECIST or CA125


Hormonal maintenance therapy (HMT)(n=70) vs routine observation (OBS)(n=133):

PFS: 64.9 vs 26.4 months (p<0.001)
OS: 115.7 vs 102.7 months (n.s.)


Significantly longer PFS with hormonal maintenance therapy (HMT) vs. observation in Low Grade Serous OC patients


Gershenson DM et al. Hormonal Maintenance Therapy for Women With Low-Grade Serous Cancer of the Ovary or Peritoneum. J Clin Oncol (2017) 35(10):1103-1111

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