What This 30-Year-Old Ovarian Cancer Survivor Wants All Women to Know—Especially If You’re Young

November 24, 2018 7:20 pm

By Blake Bakkila

When Hannah Pyper felt her first symptoms at 26—a lump growing in her abdomen, intense pains that would wake her up, and the urge to pee several times throughout the night—she “totally ignored everything.” 

Hannah Pyper had … Read more

Sound and Light Could Detect Ovarian Cancer Earlier

November 23, 2018 11:32 pm

By Beth Miller

Researchers have found an innovative way to use sound and light, or photoacoustic, imaging to diagnose ovarian tumors. The method may lead to a promising new diagnostic imaging technique to improve current standard of care for patients Read more

Why Is the 5-Year Survival Rate for Ovarian Cancer So Low?

November 21, 2018 11:30 pm

By Korin Miller

Here’s what to know—and how to try to protect yourself.

Finding out that you or someone you love has any kind of cancer is disorienting, frightening, and generally a hellish experience. This is pretty typical no matter … Read more

Sugar Supplement Shown to Slow Tumor Growth and Enhance Chemotherapy

November 21, 2018 10:00 pm

By Sally Robertson, B.Sc.

Mannose, a type of sugar, has been shown to slow tumor growth and enhance chemotherapy in mouse models of certain cancers, according to a study funded by Cancer Research UK and Worldwide Cancer Research.

The research, … Read more

Ultrasonography Useful for Predicting Ovarian Cancer Risk

November 21, 2018 9:55 pm

By Will Boggs MD

The ultrasonographic appearance of ovarian masses is strongly associated with a woman’s risk of ovarian cancer, researchers report.

“Ovarian cancer is a frightening and devastating disease, and we want to be able to find ovarian cancer … Read more

New Dual-Action Cancer-Killing Virus

November 18, 2018 8:00 pm

Scientists have equipped a virus that kills carcinoma cells with a protein so it can also target and kill adjacent cells that are tricked into shielding the cancer from the immune system.

It is the first time that cancer-associated fibroblasts … Read more

Tackling Cancer Anxiety

November 18, 2018 6:29 pm

By Susan Gubar

No matter how long I deal with periodic blood tests, abdominal CTs and mammograms, they always trigger a huge wave of ‘scanxiety.’

Last year, right before the winter holidays, the nurse practitioner palpating my breast paused and … Read more

From Standard to Personalised Care

November 17, 2018 7:00 pm

Woman with ovarian cancer has incredible response to treatment selected based on her tumor molecular profile. This tumor testing is part of the tumor blueprint that Clearity provides.

By Pierre Valette

“It was definitely a ‘holy smokes’ moment,” recounts Justin … Read more

Ultrasound Finds Simple Cysts Not Associated With Ovarian Cancer Risk

November 13, 2018 3:00 pm

By Melissa Rohman

Using ultrasound technology, researchers found simple ovarian cysts—commonly found amongst premenopausal and postmenopausal women—are not associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer and do not require additional surveillance or surgical intervention, according to research published online

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Open Source Tool Predicts Chemo Drugs Best Suited for Individual Patients

November 12, 2018 12:09 am

Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) have developed a new open-source decision support tool designed to help clinicians chose the chemotherapy drug best suited for individual patients.

The open-source support vector machine (SVM)-based algorithm predicted the chemotherapy drug … Read more

Novel Technique Potentially More Effective in Fighting Against Ovarian Cancer

November 8, 2018 9:00 am

Instead of destroying a tumors’ blood supply, a first-ever University of Guelph study has proven that opening up the vessels is potentially more effective when it comes to fighting ovarian cancer.

This is because open vessels provide a clear pathway … Read more

Ovarian Cancer Risk Reduced with Postmenopausal Statins

November 7, 2018 5:00 pm

By Pam Harrison

All histologic types of ovarian cancer risk lowered in statin versus non-statin users.

Women who started taking a statin at the age of 50 or older had a significantly lower risk of developing any histologic type of … Read more

Nearly Half of Americans Think Alternative Medicine Can Cure Cancer. It Can’t.

October 30, 2018 9:39 pm

By Rachael Rettner

Many Americans hold the misguided view that alternative therapies alone can cure cancer, even though such methods are not proven to be effective in treating cancer, according to a new survey.

The survey, known as the National … Read more

Ovarian Cancer Screening Isn’t as Simple as Getting an Ultrasound

October 26, 2018 7:26 pm

By Korin Miller

In fact, there’s no reliable screening test, period.

Ovarian cancer is one of those diseases you probably assume you’re being screened for when you go to your well-woman exams, but that’s not really the case. Ovarian cancer … Read more

Real-World Experience Differs from Trial Results for Niraparib in Recurrent Ovarian Cancer

October 25, 2018 1:11 am


Real-world experience of adverse events with the oral PARP inhibitor niraparib in patients with platinum-sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer at a 200 mg daily dose differed from those most commonly seen in the phase 3 clinical trial at … Read more

Ovarian Cancer ‘Breakthrough’ Drug Prevents Disease Returning for Years

October 22, 2018 4:35 pm


A new ovarian cancer treatment dramatically reduces the chances of the disease returning, a study has shown.

Doctors have hailed the results of a “breakthrough” trial which they say opens the possibility that many more women suffering … Read more

Telling People You Have Cancer, and How to Respond As a Loved One

October 19, 2018 5:13 pm

ABC Life / By Liz Keen

Image: ABC presenter Jill Emberson was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2016, and is sharing what it’s like to live with death in sight. (ABC: Anthony Scully)

I was 22 when my mum told … Read more

Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer Delayed by Woeful Lack of Awareness

October 18, 2018 4:24 pm

Most comprehensive survey of women with ovarian cancer ever undertaken suggests raising awareness of the disease could improve outcomes for women.

A global study of women with ovarian cancer has found that two thirds of women had never heard of … Read more

New Blood Test Could Spare Cancer Patients From Unnecessary Chemotherapy

October 17, 2018 10:02 pm

Cancer patients could be spared unnecessary chemotherapy – and its side effects – by a new blood test that is in clinical trials at more than 40 hospitals in Australia and New Zealand.

The trials, led by Melbourne researchers, are … Read more

Ovarian Cancer Thwarts Immune Cells by Revving up Stress

October 12, 2018 11:30 pm

Ovarian tumors disable the immune system’s killer T cells—which protect the body by destroying infected or malignant cells—enabling the disease to flourish unchecked, according to a new study by Weill Cornell Medicine scientists. The findings show that adverse conditions within … Read more